The Impact of Paper Production

Grace M
3 min readJan 23, 2021
Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Everybody knows that going paperless is key for a more sustainable future. But what makes the non-stop production of paper and excessive use of it so damaging to various ecosystems?

There are roughly 8 billion people inhabiting Earth, a small yet rich planet that’s providing its vast resources to cater to its people. The World Counts, a site where environmental data from reputable organizations are shown, describes the current “consumer society” as alarmingly unsustainable. Humans today should make a conscious effort to future-proof the world from a dystopian Earth. Yes, that dark, dry and eerie desert where a single plant is hailed a miracle- that future. But of course, there’s always a way to flip the coin to a more sustainable future. The first step is making oneself aware of the effects of the current consumption of Earth’s resources.

One doable act that individuals and businesses can start off with is to go paperless. But everyone’s heard of it — going paperless saves the environment, paper reduction is the way to go. But what actually makes the whole process non eco-friendly? Here’s a run-through of the impact of paper production to the world today:

The Source

One basic fact that everyone seems to know about paper is: it comes from trees. Forests make up almost 30% of the planet and humans are…



Grace M

Paperless Convert. Stationery Lover. Techie since I was three. Building Kraftora because it is possible to enjoy stationery without wasting paper.